Friday, February 5, 2016 (12:30 p.m. in Rockefeller 309)
***Please note the new location and time.***
Title: On the intervention against Schistosomiases: A mathematical modeling work in progress
Speaker: Ramzi Alsallaq (Senior Research Associate, Case Western Reserve University)
Abstract: Schistosomiases is a highly prevalent water-borne infection in resource-restricted settings (e.g. sub-Saharan Africa). Its transmission cycle typically involves humans, animals and snails and it is mediated by larvae. It can be treated by a drug (Praziquantel) but it has been difficult to control the transmission of the disease by only using Praziquantel; mainly due to the possibility of re-infection. In this talk I will present a work in progress on investigating various intervention approaches against Schistosomiases using mathematical modeling.