In contrast to the BS in applied mathematics or the BS in physics with a mathematical physics concentration, this degree provides a synergistic, coherent, and parallel education in mathematics and physics. To a close approximation, the challenging course work corresponds to combining the mathematics and physics cores, with the Physics Laboratory cluster replaced by a single, fourth-year laboratory semester. A student in this new program may use either of two official advisors, one available from each department, who would also constitute a committee for the administration of the degree and the approval of curriculum petitions.

The BS degree in mathematics and physics requires a total of 126 credits, including:

A. Mathematics requirements (35)
MATH 121 Calculus for Science and Engineering I 4
MATH 122 Calculus for Science and Engineering II 4
or MATH 124 Calculus II
MATH 223 Calculus for Science and Engineering III 3
or MATH 227 Calculus III
MATH 224 Elementary Differential Equations 3
or MATH 228 Differential Equations
MATH 307 Linear Algebra 3
MATH 308 Introduction to Abstract Algebra 3
or MATH 330 Introduction of Scientific Computing
MATH 321 Fundamentals of Analysis I 3
MATH 322 Fundamentals of Analysis II 3
MATH 324 Introduction to Complex Analysis 3
Approved Mathematics electives 6
B. Physics requirements (38)
PHYS 121 General Physics I – Mechanics 4
or PHYS 123 Physics and Frontiers I – Mechanics
PHYS 122 General Physics II – Electricity and Magnetism 4
or PHYS 124 Physics and Frontiers II – Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 221 Introduction to Modern Physics 3
PHYS 310 Classical Mechanics 3
PHYS 313 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 3
PHYS 331 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics I 3
or PHYS 481 Quantum Mechanics I
PHYS 332 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics II 3
or PHYS 482 Quantum Mechanics II
One of the following: 3
PHYS 315
Introduction to Solid State Physics
PHYS 316
Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics
PHYS 326
Physical Optics
PHYS 327
Laser Physics
PHYS 328
Cosmology and the Structure of the Universe
PHYS 336
Modern Cosmology
PHYS 365
General Relativity
PHYS 423 Classical Electromagnetism 3
PHYS 472 Graduate Physics Laboratory 3
Two of the following: * 6
PHYS 250
Computational Methods in Physics
PHYS 349
Methods of Mathematical Physics I
PHYS 350
Methods of Mathematical Physics II
C. Senior project and seminar; one of two options: (6-7) 6-7
C. (i) Mathematics option
MATH 351
Senior Project for the Mathematics and Physics Program
SAGES departmental seminar in Mathematics
C. (ii) Physics option
PHYS 303
Advanced Laboratory Physics Seminar
PHYS 351
Senior Physics Project
PHYS 352
Senior Physics Project Seminar
D. Other science requirements (9-11)
CHEM 105 Principles of Chemistry I 3-4
or CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry for Engineers
CHEM 106 Principles of Chemistry II 3-4
or ENGR 145 Chemistry of Materials
ENGR 131 Elementary Computer Programming 3
Total Units 88-91


*  If approved by the M&P committee, other science sequence courses may be substituted.

In addition the degree requirements above, student are expected to complete University SAGES requirements and maintain compliance within the College of Arts and Sciences.