Analysis and Probability Seminar- January 24, 2017

Tuesday, January 24, 2017 (3:00 p.m. in Yost 306) Title: From longest increasing subsequences to random surfaces Speaker: Leonid Petrov (Assistant Professor, University of Virginia) Abstract: I will discuss random lozenge tilings and related models studied earlier, including longest increasing subsequences of random permutations and last passage percolation.  The goal of the talk...

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Colloquium-February 24, 2017

Friday, February 24, 2017 (3:15 p.m. in Yost 306) Title: Integral geometry of the complex projective space Speaker: Andreas Bernig (Professor, Goethe Universität Frankfurt) Abstract: Two complex submanifolds of the complex projective space of complementary dimension and in general position will intersect in a constant number of points which is given by Bezout's theorem....

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