Analysis and Probability Seminar- April 19, 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016 (3:00 p.m. in Yost 306) Title: Randomized isoperimetric inequalities Speaker: Peter Pivovarov (Assistant Professor, University of Missouri) Abstract: The focus of my talk will be stochastic forms of isoperimetric inequalities for convex sets.  In particular, I will discuss the Brunn-Minkowski inequality and some of its recent extensions. I will...

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Colloquium-April 22, 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016 (3:00 p.m. in Yost 306) Title: Exact MCMC Using Approximations and Bernoulli Factories Speaker: Radu Herbei (Associate Professor of Statistics, The Ohio State University) Hosted by Jenný Brynjarsdóttir Abstract: With the ever increasing complexity of models  used in modern science, there is a need for new computing strategies. Classical MCMC algorithms...

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