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Professor Daniela Calvetti co-organized a Power of Diversity in Uncertainty Quantification

The desire to provide young researchers, in particular female and members of minoritized groups, the opportunity to network with their peers and with more  experienced researchers around the theme of Uncertainty Quantification is what motivated  Dr. Daniela Calvetti, together with Dr. Annalisa Quaini (University of Houston) and Gianluigi Rozza...

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Professor Elisabeth Werner co-organizes trimester program at the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics in Bonn

A Dual Trimester Program: "Synergies between modern probability, geometric analysis and stochastic geometry" is currently (1/8-4/19/2024) being held at the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, Germany.  Elisabeth Werner is one of the organizers (poster). The trimester involves a diverse group of 50+ international researchers in residence for...

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